Organizational Development

Culture: It is crucial to have a culture that attracts the right talent, develops high performers and retains key players. Delta Prime provides a systematic process that organizations can engage in to create the culture they desire, and embed it within the fabric of their overall organization.

We do this by helping clients create values that are behavior-based and actionable. We create competencies that are needed for people to be successful. And we address the accountability needed to make the real change happen.

Strategy and Structure: Without a clear and solid strategy that is effectively communicated to the whole organization, it’s hard for staff to remain productive. Confusion and inefficiency come from a lack of clarity of direction and priorities. The unintentional outcomes are less than stellar results and demotivated staff. We help by giving you tools to create an energizing environment that enable people be at their best. We do this by first assessing your organization and getting a deep understanding of what is working well, and what needs to improvement. Then we provide a process and a discipline that gets you to where you want to be.

Change management: We help clients understand what it takes to truly change. It could be a small change or a large, transformational change. Either one requires an understanding that people have both an emotional and a rational side, and motivating the right part at the right time is key. All the action plans in the world will not get people to change their behaviors and mindsets. Capturing their emotional side, motivating and engaging staff is at the heart of making change stick. We help leaders understand how to leverage the strengths of their staff to institutionalize change. Informal leaders are abundant within organizations and harnessing their influence creates success for the organization and the people in it.

Get stated on a path to better organizational health – contact us to discuss your needs and goals.